Frequently Asked Questions
Has my order been shipped out yet?
Orders typically ship within 1-5 working days. Look out for a dispatch email, including your SPAM/Junk folder. If you can't find it, try tracking your order here for real-time updates.
Do you accept returns?
To be eligible for a refund or exchange, your unused item must be in the same condition as when you received it and in its original packaging at least 10 days from when you purchased it.
I put the wrong address for my order, can I change it?
Contact us here within 24 hours if you made a mistake with your delivery address. We can update it if the order hasn't shipped yet, but if it's already shipped, we cannot modify it anymore.
How do I cancel or change my order?
We can't cancel shipped orders, but we'll do our best to accommodate changes if your order hasn't been shipped yet.
When will I get my tracking number?
When you receive your shipping email you can contact check your order from here.
Why did I not receive a confirmation email after placing my order?
Make sure to look in your SPAM/JUNK folder for your confirmation. If you can't find it, please contact us here and we'll send it again.
Need Help?
At Paramount Remedies, we believe in the power of natural remedies. Contact us for more information on how we can help you.